Some People really do not deserve to exist……
by Stacey on Dec.03, 2010, under Thoughts and Feelings
and while they do, you are gone. The craziness has started again and I refuse to allow it to consume me and tarnish your life and your passing. While others can make your death all about them (which they should because they are responsible for it) I am going to make your passing all about you, and I will spend whatever free time I have trying to get the word out about you and your life. I want people to know what an amazing person you were and how your smile made me smile on a daily basis. I didn’t have to physically see you to know just how beautiful your smile was. Just because someone sees you everyday, that does not mean that they know what is going on with you or what your thoughts and feelings are. That is obvious by what has happened to you and the fact that someone is responsible for what happened to you and cannot accept the fact that because of their behavior and lack of love, you are no longer here.
People can say what they want to about me, but when they start saying horrific things about your sister, your BLOOD sister, it brings out the protective part of me and I get extremely angry. All I can say is that it’s a good thing that the others that were involved in your death are in another time zone, because I would not hesitate to go to jail for severely hurting someone. But, I know that you are watching, so I am going t continue honoring YOU, instead of making this an all out web war like others have. Baby, some people really need to get a grip on reality and face the fact that they are responsible for what has happened. (and I won’t even mention the ridiculous spelling and grammar!! maybe instead of focusing on bashing your sister and I, someone should think about getting a real education…uneducated REDNECK!) They have no right to mourn you because they took you away. One day they will have to answer to their maker. One day ALL the truth will come out and they will be held liable for their actions.
I know that YOU know the truth. Ashley, Brett and Grandma know the truth now. They all know that everything that has happened is not at the fault of me. All the crap that took place over the 16 years, from the time that you were 3 and your father refused to let me have you. It’s ok baby, I forgive your father for what he has done to me, you and your sisters, but my forgiveness is not what matters. It’s yours and Gods forgiveness that he will one day have to seek.
For now, I will do what grandma suggests and I will pray for the people that need it the most, and that is the people that hurt you. The people that claim that they were such good parents. Karma is a funny thing my girl….and one day it will do what it needs to do to whom it needs to.
I adore you….I always have. You and your sisters are my world. I live and breathe to make sure that all of you are happy healthy and safe. I am so sorry that I could not take you away from the insanity and keep you safe. At least now, the crazies cannot hurt you anymore!