Brittany Rebecca Helton

I guess I was wrong

by on Dec.21, 2010, under Thoughts and Feelings

Honey, I guess I was wrong about Brett. I thought he was sincere about wanting to get to know us and wanting to spend time with us. I failed again by allowing someone into our lives and then he turned his back on us and on you. I have reached out to him several times since he has been back in communication with the CRAZY, but apparently he has decided that he wants to associate with the people that are responsible for what happened to you. That’s ok…it’s his choice, but he is missing out on knowing the family that really loved you and missing out on knowing your REAL siblings. WHATEVS!

It’s still raining here, but once again…you knew that! Dry it up baby girl. It’s going to be ok. Are you crying because of Brett? Are you crying because you want him to stay away from that insanity?

I love you my sweetheart…….