Crazy Schedule
by Stacey on Jan.10, 2011, under Thoughts and Feelings
I am so sorry that I have not written in the last few days. I have been traveling for work and have just been crazy busy. I am home until tomorrow, so I thought I would finally sit and write to you. The good thing about traveling is that I have a lot of time to think….THAT is also the bad think about traveling as well. I have TOO much time to think about you and everything that has happened over the past months. It is just so crazy to think that I will never see your beautiful face again. I have these images in my head of you throughout your life, even the times that you were not with me where you belonged. I have flashbacks of you as a baby and as a little girl, then I have flashbacks of August 11th when I saw you lying there….lifeless. It kills me to think that you were hurting so badly that you took your own life. I just don’t understand how this could all have happened.
I love you….