Brittany Rebecca Helton

Oh what a week it has been…..

by on Oct.29, 2011, under Thoughts and Feelings

I am finding myself missing you so much these days. Maybe it’s because of the messages that I have received from people that knew you and those who did not know any of us but have come across your site or saw your headstone at the cemetery. I find comfort in the kind words that people have for me, even after the almost 15 months that you have been gone. You know baby, people can spout off about GOD and the CREATOR or whatever, but if they do not believe in a higher being, then what does it matter. People can talk badly about me or your sister or whomever they way to, but is that really believing in a higher being. GOD would not approve of people talking mean about others. That is just another form of bullying.

Your baby sister is turning 9 next week, and you will not be here to see it. 🙁 She is starting to look more and more like you everyday, and for that, I am happy. That means that you both have the traits from my side of the family. I hope you will be looking down on her on the day of her birthday. It’s funny! I just realized that both of your baby sister’s were born on your favorite number! How awesome is that? I wish that you were here with us to celebrate Tee’s birthday and then Mama’s birthday the following month, and brother is coming back from deployment right before Christmas! There is so much going on in the next 2 months that I am not sure if I will be able to keep myself and everything else straight.

You and your sisters have always been my sunshine on the darkest of days. I am so glad to have had what little time with you that we had. It was of no fault of either of us that we did not have more time. We will let those who stole that from us answer to the person they need to when it is their time to do so. For now, I will cherish the times we did have, for no one will ever be able to take those moments away from us. I held you when I brought you into the world, and I told you how much I loved you when you left this world.

Stay strong and beautiful and please continue to watch over those that love you still today. You will never have to worry about being hurt by others ever again my sweetheart.

I love you! Rest in Peace