Brittany Rebecca Helton

Another month….

by on Nov.30, 2011, under Thoughts and Feelings

Another month has come and gone. Soon the year will be over as well. I have found that I am no longer counting the days since you have been gone, nor am I counting the weeks like I used to. I am now counting the months. This makes me sad. I fear that eventually I will be only counting the years. I fear that someone will ask me how long you have been gone and I will actually have to stop and think about it.

It’s funny that some people try to deflect their guilt on other people. Don’t you find that to be strange baby? All I want is for you to have the ability to rest in peace, and for me and your sister to have some peace as well. I just wish that people would leave us alone. It has been almost 16 months since you have been gone and the CRAZY one is still causing issues. Will you please send her a sign and let her know that she is not being the good ‘christian’ that she claims to be.

I love you so very much, and no matter what anyone says, you are MY daughter. I gave birth to you and I will always love and adore you so very much. I miss you everyday.

Rest in peace my sweet angel. I love you.