Brittany Rebecca Helton

Home Safe and Sound……

by on Dec.06, 2011, under Thoughts and Feelings

Thank you for watching over your brother for the last 6 months while he was deployed. He made it home safely yesterday and it was so good to see a genuine smile on your sister’s face. She worked so hard while he was gone and I could not be more proud of the both of them for getting through this. Sometimes life can be difficult, but we all have to help each other get through those rough spots. With everything that happened while Jeff was gone, I cannot believe how strong sissy has been. With the car accident and the puppy going missing, not to mention your birthday and your anniversary during that entire time, it’s no wonder that she is exhausted. And she continues her education. She is quite an amazing young lady, just as I am sure you would have been if you were still here with us.

I think of you on a daily basis. Little things remind me of you. I look for your name everywhere and when I find something with it spelled correctly I buy it. I know that it does not make it any better, or that it’s going to make you come back to us, but I just need to have those little reminders. Your pictures hang on the walls, but what I wouldn’t give to have YOU here instead of the pictures. I will continue to honor you and your name for the rest of my time here on earth.

I love you very much my baby! Rest in Peace sweetheart. I know you finally can.