Brittany Rebecca Helton

A New Year, another year without you

by on Jan.02, 2013, under Thoughts and Feelings


 Happy New Year my angel! I hope that you had an amazing party up there with all of your new friends! There have been so many people lost this year and I know that you are watching over them, especially all the little children that have been taken from the families and loved ones too soon, just like you were.

Continue to do the work that you are doing….Pet Bubby, Sasha, Daisy and the rest of the pets that are there? I know how much you loved animals and I am sure that you are surrounded by them all the time. You probably go out looking for them just to be close to them! That does not surprise me about you. You get that from me. Your sisters are the same way when it comes to animals. It must be in our genes.

2012 was a very strange and trying year for all of us, but I don’t have to tell you that. There were also some very good things that happened. This last year brought some very old friends back into my life. 2 very dear friends that I was close to when you were just a baby have resurfaced as well as some others that I was in the military with. It’s funny what time will do to people. We never stopped thinking about each other and then POOF…we were reconnected. My relationship with grandma is better and stronger than it has been in a very long time. We talk about everything and we talk about you alot. We miss you so much and we are still so lost without you.

Sister and brother are getting ready for a big move this year. Sissy is very excited about it….wish I could say the same. She will not be within driving distance so it is going to be more difficult to see her. I am going to miss her like crazy. I guess I will have to rack up those frequent flyer miles.

Sheridan became a cheerleader this year and she is so stinking cute in her uniform! Her legs are a mile long!! She is in 6th grade and is such an amazing little girl…well, not a little girl anymore. She is now a teenager and is quite the little lady.

Tee is still doing her girl scouts and she reminds me so much of you. The looks that she gives and her features are so you!! She is 10 now but it seems like she is going on 23! She makes me laugh, she touches me with her generosity and she makes me cry with her feelings.

We all love you and miss you so much my itty bitty. I cannot believe that it has been almost 2 1/2 years since you left us. You and I missed out on so much, but now all of us are missing out on so much more. We will never get to see that gorgeous smile ever again, so we keep that photo in our minds and we look at it all the time.

Rest in peace my angel. I will see you again one day on the other side.